I would like to build a helper method which will take property as object to anonymous method. This is just dummy code example to visualize problem not confront real solution which is way more complex and is not subject of this question.
Some reference code:
public class FooClass : SomeBaseClass {
public string StringProperty { get; set; }
public int IntProperty { get; set; }
public DateTime DateTimeProperty { get; set; }
public Object ComplexObjectProperty { get; set; }
public FooClass() {
public void FooMethod<T>(T obj) {
Func<bool> validateMethod = () => {
if(obj is string) return string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.ToString());
return obj != null;
public class SomeBaseClass {
protected IList<Func<bool>> ValidateMethodsAggregate = new List<Func<bool>>();
public void ValidateAll() {
foreach (var validateMethod in this.ValidateMethodsAggregate) {
var result = validateMethod();
// has errors and so on handling...
// Some simple code to show use case.
var foo = new FooClass();
foo.StringProperty = "new value";
foo.IntProperty = 123;
foo.ValidateAll(); // this will use "" , 0 instead of new values.
Use a function and a conditional operator with a private backing method
public FooClass()
this.FooMethod(() => StringProperty); // <- pass an accessor
public Func<bool> validateMethod;
private void FooMethod<T>(Func<T> obj)
//validate method
validateMethod = () => string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj()?.ToString());
The usage would be
var y = new FooClass();
var resTrue = y.validateMethod();
y.StringProperty = "Hi";
var resFalse = y.validateMethod();