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Faster way of replacing text in all dom elements?

I'm trying to replace all text in between tags and I want to know the fastest way of doing so.

An example would be trying to replace all text with the arbitrary string helloWorld, so that this:


Becomes this:


My current approach would be :

  • Do Depth-first search (DFS) on DOM
  • For each element parse and determine which part is text and which part is an element.
  • For the part that is text replace it.

This to me would be really slow, especially trying to do this for a large document and having to repeat the process many times. Is there a faster way?


  • You don't need to parse each element to find text nodes, you can just recursively traverse childNodes property of an element

    var newText = 'hello world';
    function replaceTextNodes(node) {
      node.childNodes.forEach(function(el) {
        if (el.nodeType === 3) {  // If this is a text node, replace the text
          if (el.nodeValue.trim() !== "") { // Ignore this node it it an empty text node
            el.nodeValue = newText;
        } else { // Else recurse on this node
    var onClick = replaceTextNodes.bind(null, document.querySelector('#container'));
    document.querySelector('#replace').addEventListener('click', onClick);
    <div id='container'>
    <button id="replace">Replace</button>