Search code examples

Compare,add,update,delete elements on array of mongodb

Need help on operation like update,delete,add,upsert,delete on below document of MongoDB. Below is MongoDB document that exists in temp collection.


            "local_id" : "1841",

            "name_first" : "tiger", 

            "name_last" : "lion",

            "address" : [
                "id" : 1,
                "address_type" : "Home", 
                "city" : "Delhi", 
                "country" : "", 
                "po_box" : ""
                "id" : 2, 
                "address_type" : "Work", 
                "city" : "", 
                "country" : "", 
                "po_box" : ""

        "email" : [
                "email_id" : "", 
                "id" : 1, 
                "type" : "Home"
                "email_id" : "", 
                "id" : 2, 
                "type" : "Work"

 "phone_number" : [
                "id" : 1, 
                "no" : "+911234567890", 
                "type" : "Mobile"
                "id" : 2, 
                "no" : "+917894561230", 
                "type" : "work"


Now I have some document like below, i want query that will compare,add,update,delete on my above document.


           "local_id" : "1730",
           "name_first" : "lion", 
           "name_last" : "king", 

           "address" : [
                    "id" : 1,
                    "address_type" : "Home", 
                    "city" : "Delhi", 
                    "country" : "India", 
                    "po_box" : "110041"
                    "id" : 2, 
                    "address_type" : "Work", 
                    "city" : "Delhi-NCR", 
                    "country" : "India", 
                    "po_box" : "110048"
                    "id" : 3, 
                    "address_type" : "Work", 
                    "city" : "Delhi-NCR", 
                    "country" : "Indai", 
                    "po_box" : "110048"

            "email" : [
                    "email_id" : "", 
                    "id" : 1, 
                    "type" : "Home"
                    "email_id" : "", 
                    "id" : 2, 
                    "type" : "Work"
                    "email_id" : "", 
                    "id" : 3, 
                    "type" : "personal"

            "phone_number" : [
                    "id" : 1, 
                    "no" : "+911234567890", 
                    "type" : "Mobile"
                /*second array not here so remove that array from that document*/



  • You can save function on server as you can call that function to get the differences, as below.{
        _id: "getupdatedArray",
        value: function(obj1, obj2) {
            var VALUE_CREATED = 'created';
            var VALUE_UPDATED = 'updated';
            var VALUE_DELETED = 'deleted';
            var VALUE_UNCHANGED = 'unchanged';
            function map(obj1, obj2) {
                if (isValue(obj1) || isValue(obj2)) {
                    return {
                        type: compareValues(obj1, obj2),
                        old: obj1,
                        new: obj2
                var diff = {};
                for (var key in obj1) {
                    if (isFunction(obj1[key])) {
                    var value2 = undefined;
                    if ('undefined' != typeof(obj2[key])) {
                        value2 = obj2[key];
                    diff[key] = map(obj1[key], value2);
                for (var key in obj2) {
                    if (isFunction(obj2[key]) || ('undefined' != typeof(diff[key]))) {
                    diff[key] = map(undefined, obj2[key]);
                return diff;
            function compareValues(value1, value2) {
                if (value1 === value2) {
                    return VALUE_UNCHANGED;
                if ('undefined' == typeof(value1)) {
                    return VALUE_CREATED;
                if ('undefined' == typeof(value2)) {
                    return VALUE_DELETED;
                return VALUE_UPDATED;
            function isFunction(obj) {
                return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Function]';
            function isArray(obj) {
                return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Array]';
            function isObject(obj) {
                return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Object]';
            function isValue(obj) {
                return !isObject(obj) && !isArray(obj);
            return map(obj1, obj2);

    Then you can call function as below..

    getupdatedArray({"a": "abc"}, {"a": "a111", "b": "bbb"});

    This will give you result as below:

        "a" : {
            "type" : "updated", 
            "old" : "abc", 
            "new" : "a111"
        "b" : {
            "type" : "created", 
            "old" : undefined, 
            "new" : "bbb"


    Satish Lakhani