I am passing a List as paramter to Jasper as following.
Map<String, Object> model=new HashMap<>();
List<CustomObject> issues=new ArrayList<>();
issues.add(new CustomObject(1,"AIRPORT Services","XYZ","asdfa","asdf","asddf"));
issues.add(new CustomObject(1,"AIRPORT Services","XYZ","asdfa","asdf","asddf"));
JasperPrint jasperPrint1 = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, model, new JREmptyDataSource());
Now I am able to retrieve issuesList in jasper but I can't retrieve value inside CustomObject.
Following works and prints reference of CustomObject iterated using following
This throws exception when I want to access value of field inside Custom Object such as
Exception obtained is: The method getCustomMethod() is undefined for the type Object value = ((java.util.List)parameter_list.getValue()).get(((java.lang.Integer)variable_ROW_INDEX.getValue())).getCustomMethod(); //$JR_EXPR_ID=0$
With Help of Mike Answer at Print an arraylist content with JasperReports I have iterated my Arraylist in jasper. Any help highly appreciated.
This worked for me when I just cast from Object
to CustomObject
like as