In my Elixir/Phoenix application I want to show the current commit hash from git and version number from the mix.exs file on an html page. How can I do that? That is, is there access to this kind of information at all?
To extract the current commit hash, I have this solution:
{hash, _} = System.cmd("git", ["rev-parse", "HEAD"])
# => {"5f6910ce1f42d5026d0ec5544ce6df9c3f8caf17\n", 0}
# => "5f6910ce1f42d5026d0ec5544ce6df9c3f8caf17"
To get the app version you can try this:
{:ok, vsn} = :application.get_key(:my_app, :vsn)
# => {:ok, '0.1.1'}
# => '0.1.1'
# => "0.1.1"
Replace the atom :my_app with your app atom.
Or you use:
# => "0.1.1"
See Mix.Project.config for more information.