Here is an example of my data:
Date Prec aggregated by week (output)
1/1/1950 3.11E+00 4.08E+00
1/2/1950 3.25E+00 9.64E+00
1/3/1950 4.81E+00 1.15E+01
1/4/1950 7.07E+00
1/5/1950 4.25E+00
1/6/1950 3.11E+00
1/7/1950 2.97E+00
1/8/1950 2.83E+00
1/9/1950 2.72E+00
1/10/1950 2.72E+00
1/11/1950 2.60E+00
1/12/1950 2.83E+00
1/13/1950 1.70E+01
1/14/1950 3.68E+01
1/15/1950 4.24E+01
1/16/1950 1.70E+01
1/17/1950 7.07E+00
1/18/1950 3.96E+00
1/19/1950 3.54E+00
1/20/1950 3.40E+00
1/21/1950 3.25E+00
I have long time series precipitation data and I want to aggregate it in such a way that (output is in third column; I calculated it from excel) is as follows
If I do aggregation by weekly output in 1st cell = average prec from day 1 to 7 days. output in 2nd cell = average prec from 8 to 14 days. Output in 3rd cell=average prec from 15 to 21 day
If I do aggregation by 3 days output in 1st cell = average of day 1 to 3 days. output in 2nd cell = average of day 4 to 6 days.
I will provide the function with "prec" and the "time step" input. I tried loops and lubridate
, and some other functions, but I cant figure out the output like in third column.
One code I came up with ran without error but my output is bot correct. Where dat is my data set.
tt=as.POSIXct(paste(dat$Date),format="%m/%d/%Y") #converting date formate
datZoo <- zoo(dat[,-c(1,3)], tt)
weekly <- apply.weekly(datZoo,mean)
prec_NLCD <-data.frame (weekly)
Also I wanted to write it in form of a function. Your suggestions will be helpful.
Assuming the data shown reproducibly in the Note at the end create the weekly means, zm
, and then merge it with z
(It would seem to make more sense to merge the means at the point that they are calculated, i.e. merge(z, zm)
in place of the line marked ##, but for consistency with the output shown in the question they are put at the head of the data below.)
z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
zm <- rollapplyr(z, 7, by = 7, mean)
merge(z, zm = zoo(coredata(zm), head(time(z), length(zm)))) ##
z zm
1950-01-01 3.11 4.081429
1950-01-02 3.25 9.642857
1950-01-03 4.81 11.517143
1950-01-04 7.07 NA
1950-01-05 4.25 NA
1950-01-06 3.11 NA
1950-01-07 2.97 NA
1950-01-08 2.83 NA
1950-01-09 2.72 NA
1950-01-10 2.72 NA
1950-01-11 2.60 NA
1950-01-12 2.83 NA
1950-01-13 17.00 NA
1950-01-14 36.80 NA
1950-01-15 42.40 NA
1950-01-16 17.00 NA
1950-01-17 7.07 NA
1950-01-18 3.96 NA
1950-01-19 3.54 NA
1950-01-20 3.40 NA
1950-01-21 3.25 NA
Lines <- "Date Prec
1/1/1950 3.11E+00
1/2/1950 3.25E+00
1/3/1950 4.81E+00
1/4/1950 7.07E+00
1/5/1950 4.25E+00
1/6/1950 3.11E+00
1/7/1950 2.97E+00
1/8/1950 2.83E+00
1/9/1950 2.72E+00
1/10/1950 2.72E+00
1/11/1950 2.60E+00
1/12/1950 2.83E+00
1/13/1950 1.70E+01
1/14/1950 3.68E+01
1/15/1950 4.24E+01
1/16/1950 1.70E+01
1/17/1950 7.07E+00
1/18/1950 3.96E+00
1/19/1950 3.54E+00
1/20/1950 3.40E+00
1/21/1950 3.25E+00"