var currentAge = 26;
var maxAge = 100;
var amountPerDay = 30.50;
var calculation = (((maxAge - currentAge) * 365) * amountPerDay);
var stringCalc = calculation.toString().split('').splice(2, 0, "9");
console.log(stringCalc) shows an empty array. Does this have something to do with the toString method?
Note: I am trying to add the string "9" into the middle of the array, not remove anything from the array.
The missing link in your understanding is the return value of splice, which are the deleted items.
var currentAge = 26;
var maxAge = 100;
var amountPerDay = 30.50;
var calculation = (((maxAge - currentAge) * 365) * amountPerDay);
var stringCalc = calculation.toString().split('');
// ["8", "2", "3", "8", "0", "5"]
console.log(stringCalc.splice(2, 0, "foo"));
// [] because no items were deleted, return value = array of deleted items
// ["8", "2", "foo", 3", "8", "0", "5"]