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Javascript Onready function to call the Namespace function

i am removing the global variables in the Javascript that is used in my Rails/views/show.html.erb

The javascript that i am using is

var App = {};
App.UserSnapShot = function () {
  var _body, _detailEl, _selectedLinkEl;

  var _init = function () {
    _body = $$("body")[0];

    $$(".user-link").each(function (el) {
      el.observe("mouseover", function (event) {
        _selectedLinkEl = el;
        _detailEl = event.element().next();;
        _body.observe("mouseover", _bodyMouseOverFunction);

  var _bodyMouseOverFunction = function (event) {
    if (event.element() != _selectedLinkEl && 
        event.element() != _detailEl && 
        !event.element().ancestors().include(_detailEl)) {
      _body.stopObserving("mouseover", _bodyMouseOverFunction);

  return {
    init: function () {

I need to call my function App.UserSnapShot.init();through onready function of the same .. , So that to get this to work .. How can i add a onReady function here.

Pls give some suggestions


  • You mean?

    App.onReady = function() {
    document.observe("dom:loaded", App.onReady);