I am doing ko.mapping from observable model to js conversion for complex model having nested observable array as follow.
"Count": 2,
"CustomerAccountNumber": 874477,
"Entities": [
"Count": 1,
"Entity": [
[object Object]
"EntityName": "a",
"Sum": 3250
"Count": 1,
"Entity": [
[object Object]
"EntityName": "b",
"Sum": 450
"Sum": 3700 }, {
"Count": 1,
"CustomerAccountNumber": 996742,
"Entities": [
"Count": 1,
"Entity": [
[object Object]
"EntityName": "c",
"Sum": 5600
"Sum": 5600 }]
I want to ignore nested Entity array. I am trying but not working because of array.
ko.mapping.toJS(viewModel.result(), { 'ignore': ["Entities.Entity"] }, this)
this not about mapping - which is also doesn't work for nested array but this is about ignore doesn't work.
is there any way we can achieve this ?
I don't think the ignore
option is compatible with dot notation.
Try this:
ko.mapping.toJS(viewModel.result(), { 'ignore': ["Entity"] }, this)