I am trying to parse the result from the google speech to text API. The json response is :
{"transcript":"hello Google how are you feeling","confidence":0.96274596},
{"transcript":"hello Google how are you today","confidence":0.97388196},
{"transcript":"hello Google how are you picking","confidence":0.97388196},
{"transcript":"hello Google how are you kidding","confidence":0.97388196}
Now i am trying to parse it through JObject. The problem is occurring in parsing the Result object which is appearing twice so, how do i parse the second Result object. Here is my code which i am trying is :
StreamReader SR_Response = new StreamReader(HWR_Response.GetResponseStream());
String json_response = SR_Response.ReadToEnd() + SR_Response.ToString();
JObject joo = JObject.Parse(json_response);
JArray ja = (JArray)joo["result"];
foreach (JObject o in ja)
JArray ja2 = (JArray)o["alternative"];
foreach (JObject h in ja2)
Next solution i tried using deserialize object code is:
string responseFromServer = (SR_Response.ReadToEnd());
String[] jsons = responseFromServer.Split('\n');
String text = "";
foreach (String j in jsons)
dynamic jsonObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(j);
if (jsonObject == null || jsonObject.result.Count <= 0)
text = jsonObject.result[0].alternative[0].transcript;
Console.WriteLine("MESSAGE : "+text);
What you have is a series of JSON root objects concatenated together into a single stream. As explained in Read Multiple Fragments With JsonReader such a stream can be deserialized by setting JsonReader.SupportMultipleContent = true
. Thus, to deserialize your stream, you should first introduce the following extension methods:
public static class JsonExtensions
public static IEnumerable<T> DeserializeObjects<T>(Stream stream, JsonSerializerSettings settings = null)
var reader = new StreamReader(stream); // Caller should dispose
return DeserializeObjects<T>(reader, settings);
public static IEnumerable<T> DeserializeObjects<T>(TextReader textReader, JsonSerializerSettings settings = null)
var ser = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings);
var reader = new JsonTextReader(textReader); // Caller should dispose
reader.SupportMultipleContent = true;
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.None || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Undefined || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Comment)
yield return ser.Deserialize<T>(reader);
Next, using a code-generation utility such as http://json2csharp.com/, generate c# classes for a single JSON root object, like so:
public class Alternative
public string transcript { get; set; }
public double confidence { get; set; }
public class Result
public List<Alternative> alternative { get; set; }
public bool final { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public List<Result> result { get; set; }
public int result_index { get; set; }
And deserialize as follows:
List<RootObject> results;
using (var stream = HWR_Response.GetResonseStream())
results = JsonExtensions.DeserializeObjects<RootObject>(stream).ToList();
Having done this you can use standard c# programming techniques such as Linq to enumerate the transcript
values, such as:
var transcripts = results
.SelectMany(r => r.result)
.SelectMany(r => r.alternative)
.Select(a => a.transcript)
If you don't want define a fixed data model for your JSON collection, you can deserialize directly to a list of JObject
like so:
List<JObject> objs;
using (var stream = HWR_Response.GetResonseStream())
objs = JsonExtensions.DeserializeObjects<JObject>(stream).ToList();
Then you can use SelectTokens()
to select the values of all the "transcript"
properties nested inside each object:
var transcripts = objs
// The following uses the JSONPath recursive descent operator ".." to pick out all properties named "transcript".
.SelectMany(o => o.SelectTokens("..transcript"))
.Select(t => t.ToString())
Updated sample fiddle showing both options.