How do I make it so that txtTitleofWebpage.Text is in italics when copied to the Clipboard so that the user can copy the references into a Microsoft Word document? I'm trying to make a Windows Form Application using C# to generate Harvard References from information the user inputs into a form.
Here is the code:
Clipboard.SetText(wholeName + ", (" + yOPDate + ") " + txtTitleofWebpage.Text +
" [online]. Available from: " + txtURLWeb.Text + " [Accessed: " +
accessDateWeb.Value.ToShortDateString() + "].", TextDataFormat.Rtf);
It seems you have to insert a 'header' in the html string, I found 2 examples for this:
This works with Word:
Example code:
<title>HTML clipboard</title>
This copies a Hello! to your clipboard, you have to change the fragments based on the size I think so I don't know exactly how that would work with a dynamic string but I hope this will get you started. 666
If you can also use RTF
Clipboard.SetText(@"{\rtf1\ansi This is in \i\f0\fs17 italic\i0.}",
Example with string
var q = "test123";
Clipboard.SetText(@"{\rtf1\ansi This is in \i\f0\fs17 " + q + @"\i0.}",
var q = "test123";
Clipboard.SetText( $@"{\rtf1\ansi This is in \i\f0\fs17 {q}\i0.}",
Note the @
before the 2nd part of the string, if you need to escape certain characters (you will need that with RTF) add @
in front of each opening "
This seems to be a lot easier because you don't have to insert the header but the formatting itself is abit more complicated imo.