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Wicket unit testing Translations.utils not found

I started recently developing in wicket and wondered how to set the wicket application in the unit test itself. I am currently using the wicket 6.8 Core. 4.1.2 for the unit test.

I am wondering how to set the Locale on the application. Also actually creating the test application in a good way. What i'm trying to achieve is a test to see if a set of strings can be returned which are loaded from a translation file.

 //from the Class.
 public Class Information(){

     public Information(){}

     public String getInfo(){
       return TranslationUtil.getTranslation("RandomFieldNameTobeTranslated");

Unit Test:

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class InformationTest(){
    public void setup() throws Exception(){
      //needs to be setup in someway it can be used by the test.
        tester = new WicketTester();
        WebApplication web = tester.getApplication();
        Session.get().setLocale(new Locale("en_us"));

    public test(){
       Information information = new Information();
       assertEquals("Foo is Foo", "Foo", information.getInfo() );

The unit test will run the code and get a unable to find property. This is just a basic test, describing the issue.

Unable to find property: 'RandomFieldNameTobeTranslated'. Locale: null, style: null

Tried some variations with the initialization and config. But i'm too inexperienced to know how to initialize wicket on the right way for the development unit testing.


  1. how can I initialize wicket so it can find the locale in the session?

  2. how to redirect wicket to the correct translation file?

The production version works, but I want to build a unit test and it seemed to require the 'application'. It can be mocked but as a last resort as this is used in allot of locations , I rather want to test 'value equals value'.


  • @selckin from #wicket : Just initiate it by:

    new WicketTester(new YourApplicationClas());

    Actual unit test code after:

    import org.junit.Before;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import java.util.Locale;
    public class SchedulerModelTest {
    public void setup() throws Exception {
        new WicketTester(new ReconAdminApplication());
        Session.get().setLocale(new Locale("en_us")); //always set the locale.
    public test(){
       Information information = new Information();
       assertEquals("Foo is Foo", "Foo", information.getInfo() );