Bxslider (git code here) was working all nicely on Android. Today when I slide the carousel it fires this error "Invalid Pointer Id: Failed to execute 'set Pointer Capture' on 'Element': Invalid Pointer Id." Looking at the bxslider script this is the code where the error fires:
if (slider.viewport.get(0).setPointerCapture) {
slider.pointerId = orig.pointerId;
Any clue on what is going on?
Here is a workaround that works. Use this snippet of code:
var chromePointerEvents = typeof PointerEvent === 'function'; if (chromePointerEvents) { if (orig.pointerId === undefined) { return; } }
Insert after:
touchPoints = (typeof orig.changedTouches !== 'undefined') ? orig.changedTouches : [orig];
of file jquery.bxslider.js