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ChatBot in swift 3.0

So I wanna know how i can include a ChatBot in my swift program.

  • Would i have to write the code in swift or is there a way i can include the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) in my program?
  • What kind of data do i have to include in a ChatBot that, for example, helps high school students with physics?
  • In what format is this data stored (in arrays, variables, files, etc.)?
  • How can i customise my ChatBot for the needs of each individual user?

This would definitely be my first ChatBot so please explain elaborately.


  • Develop a chat boot it's not as easy as it seems.

    Have you consider develop a Message extension? Using your app in a "chat" environment should help users to interact with your bot in a natural way.

    You can use Machine Learning to adjust your bot responses to each individual user in their own devices (If it's not a server based bot)

    The data that your bot needs will be specified by your project, so you will have to do a good research about users needs

    I'm sure that this O'Reilly book will hell you as well as this Smashing Maganize article.