I use SPM in my project and want to integrate Texture. My project is divided into different modules using SPM. I want to use Texture only in one.
The problem is that Texture does not support SPM. I forked from this PR that supports SPM. I've successfully integrated Texture in my project, but can't use it.
My Package.swift
let targets: [Target] = [
.target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: ["Texture"]),
let package = Package(
name: "MyPackage",
platforms: [.iOS(.v14), .macOS(.v10_15)],
products: targets.filter { !$0.isTest }.map { .library(name: $0.name, targets: [$0.name]) },
dependencies: [
.package(name: "Texture", url: "https://github.com/bejeri4/Texture.git", .branch("spm")),
targets: targets)
When I add Texture as a dependency to my local package, I get the following error:
product 'Texture' required by package 'MyPackage' target 'MyTarget' not found.
I think in the dependencies of your target you need to specify a product of the package Texture, not the package name itself. The products are AsyncDisplayKit and AsyncDisplayKitIGListKit:
So you should modify the targets to use one of the products like this:
let asyncDisplayKit = Target.product(name: "AsyncDisplayKit", package: "Texture")
let targets: [Target] = [
.target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: [asyncDisplayKit]),