I hope someone could give me some usefull hints.
'use strict';
app.on('start', function(){
var view = new app.base.base_documents.views.DokumentenView();
Is there a shorter and better way to write the follwing code
var view = new app.base.base_documents.views.CustomView();
Maybe there is a way to call my view like this:
var view = CustomView();
My views.js
;(function (app) {
'use strict';
app.module('base.base_documents.views', function (module, App, Backbone, Marionette) {
module.CustomView = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
Depending on where your views are kept (namespace-wise), you could pass app.base.base_documents.views
to the IIFE:
;(function(app, views){
'use strict';
app.on('start', function(){
var view = new views.DokumentenView();
})(window.app, window.app.base.base_documents.views);
But you may have views inside other nested namespaces, so for those you need to do the same - which in the end gives a similar result. You either step down through the namespaces when rendering the view, or you do it when passing the parameter.