i have given as: in post build action's Parameterized Trigger Plugin
project to build : project B
Trigger when build is : complete
Trigger build without paramater : disabled
in predefined param sections:
in project B 's Execute shell i have given as:
echo "Testing..." $Temp
echo $branch
echo $branch1
FYI, i have given BRANCH=development
console output of the Project B:
+ echo Testing...
+ echo
+ echo
seems variable is not promoted.
Select the "Trigger/call builds on other projects" in build section instead of post build section.
In the Build Triggers,
Projects to build "project B"
"Select" Block until the triggered projects finish their builds
Fail this build step if the triggered build is worse or equal to "Failure"
Mark this build as failure if the triggered build is worse or equal to "Failure"
Mark this build as unstable if the triggered build is worse or equal to "UNSTABLE"
In the predefined parameters,
In your " project B " projects,
"Click the build is parameterized option "
And form the variable.