Is it possible to determine what the current environment has defined (in the common lisp image), from the running system itself?
I am running SBCL 1.3.14 and SLIME 2016-04-19 in GNU Emacs 25.1.1.
You can get the list of all packages using list-all-packages
, and for each package you can see what goodies it export using do-external-symbols
(do-external-symbols (s "SB-EXT")
(when (fboundp s)
(format t "~S names a function~%" s))
(when (boundp s)
(format t "~S names a variable~%" s)))
You might also want to check documentation
(do-external-symbols (s "SB-EXT")
(when (and (fboundp s) (documentation s 'function))
(format t "~S names a documented function~%" s))
(when (and (boundp s) (documentation s 'variable))
(format t "~S names a documented variable~%" s)))
PS. If you are looking for something specific, you should also try apropos