So i have cell from long text from formula witch
2016-07-22 2016
How to take out both 2016- and 2016 using find? It needs to be variable since in 2017 it wont be 2016. Can i find using something like FIND(K2&"-";J2)? Example below.
Result i need to get only 07
I used
But it finds both of 2016 and gives nothing
Wanted to something like
But doesnt work
Pulling the left 10 characters off the text string should allow direct conversion to a true date using the DATEVALUE function (possibly assuming the conputer's correct system DMY vs. MDY regional setting). Once that true date has been achieved, a wrapping TEXT function can resolve any part of the date (e.g. year, month or day).
=TEXT(DATEVALUE(LEFT(J2, 10)), "mm") ◄ month as text representing a number
=--TEXT(DATEVALUE(LEFT(J2, 10)), "mm") ◄ month as true number