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Terminal command to start new google app engine project?

What is the command to create a new app engine project with skeleton files included? Since I can't use the launcher GUI on ubuntu, I've been successfully using through terminal.... but I've been copy and pasting files from hello world each time I make a new project folder. Is there a command line command to create a new project with the favicon and app.yaml etc.?

According to this documentation, the instructions are to make a new directory then copy the hello world files like I'm doing.

But since the google app engine launcher GUI creates a new project with skeleton files included by a single button click, I wondered if there is a powershell command for this also.


  • There is no such command. Google Cloud Tools for PowerShell has not yet implemented support for App Engine. The list of supported features can be found here.

    There is a gcloud command in beta that looks to do what you are asking for: gcloud beta app gen-config.