I need help with my RecyclerView. I have a atring array from my SQL Database which looks like this:
{"success":true,"0":{"order_number":"078","typ_first":"E3rft","typ_last":"Split","order_date_time":"2016-10-11 19:20:03"},"1":{"order_number":"166","typ_first":"E483f","typ_last":"Split_test","order_date_time":"2016-10-12 18:39:30"}}
In my RecyclerView I have the following fields:
(type first and last)date
(only a date without time)This is how I get my string array:
String plansData = plansPreferenceData.getString("plansPreferenceData", "");
This is how I set the data to my RecyclerView:
// Set plan data
Plans plan = new Plans("123", "E3rft Split", "11.10.2016");
// Add Object to list
// Notify data changes
My Plans
public class Plans {
private String planTitle, planType, planDate;
public Plans(String planTitle, String planType, String planDate) {
this.planTitle = planTitle;
this.planType = planType;
this.planDate = planDate;
public void setPlanTitle(String planTitle) {
this.planTitle = planTitle;
public String getPlanTitle() {
return planTitle;
public void setPlanType(String planType) {
this.planType = planType;
public String getPlanType() {
return planType;
public void setPlanDate(String planDate) {
this.planDate = planDate;
public String getPlanDate() {
return planDate;
My onCreateView
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_training, container, false);
return view;
My preparePlansData()
private void preparePlansData() {
// Set plan data
Plans plan = new Plans("123", "fkfjfjeje", "21.04.1977");
// Add Object to list
plan = new Plans("test", "tttt", "22.01.2017");
// Notify data changes
My question is how can I get the information out of the string array into my adapter? I also need to format the date before adding. Thanks for your help!
read about Gson here:
After that you will be able to write code like that:
Type type = new TypeToken<Map<Integer, Plans>>(){}.getType();
Map<Integer, Plans> myMap = gson.fromJson("your json from db", type);
and use this map.values() in your adapter
your Plans
class should look like this:
class Plans {
String order_number;
String typ_first;
String typ_last;
String order_date_time;
If you want another field names you have to use @SerializedName
Finally, you should write something like that, (I do not know if syntax is 100% do not have IDE open now) :
private void preparePlansData() {
String plansData = plansPreferenceData.getString("plansPreferenceData", "");
Type type = new TypeToken<Map<Integer, Plans>>(){}.getType();
Map<Integer, Plans> myMap = gson.fromJson(plansData, type);
// Notify data changes
and modify your model class:
public class Plans {
String planTitle;
String planType;
String planDate;
I hope it will help you.