I work on Window, with MINGW64 bash. I create an Ionic 2 project and add the SQLite plugin with the following line :
$ ionic plugin add cordova-sqlite-storage
When I run my project, with : $ ionic serve --lab
My project start and is displayed on Firefox, but in my console I have the following line :
Native: tried accessing the SQLite plugin but it's not installed. main.js
Install the SQLite plugin: 'ionic plugin add cordova-sqlite-storage' main.js
But I don't have a "main.js" file in my project, I have only a main.ts file which contain :
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
Does the plugins can be run on the emulate device on the web browser ?
The plugins don't get loaded in ionic serve as @suraj pointed out. Try running it in the browser platform.
ionic platform add browser
ionic run browser