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Using -like operator with two arrays

I have a question regarding the -like operator in PowerShell.

Script written in

PSVersion                      5.0.10240.17146
WSManStackVersion              3.0
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
BuildVersion                   10.0.10011.16384
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

I have the following variable.


This variable can contain Example;

Microsoft VisualStudio JavaScript Project System
Java 7 Update 80
Java 8 Update 111
Microsoft VisualStudio JavaScript Language Service
Java Auto Updater

I have another variable called $Exclusions

$Exclusions = @("*Microsoft Corporation*","*Microsoft*","*SAP BusinessObjects*","*Hewlett-Packard*","*JavaCard*","*Development*")

I need to compare each $program in $ProgramVar and see if the $program -like any $exclusion. I've written it several different ways but i cannot figure out the correct way. I've deleted most of what i've tried but here's where i'm currently at..

foreach($instance in $Programvar)

    if($instance -eq $Null) #<---- Dummy Check.
        Write-Host "I is blank"
        foreach($ex in $Exclusions)
            #$count = 0
            #$exclusion = $Exclusions.Get($count)
            if($instance -like $ex)
                Write-Host "A substring in $instance matches $ex.. Removing from array "                     
                Write-Host "$instance does not contain $ex Substring"


I think this will work but haven't fully tested it. I would like to know if there is more cleaner or quicker way.


Props to JPBlanc for answering my question. I have gone through and made it a little easier to read. Here's what i ended up with so that others can easily implement the code. JPBlanc's solution will work, but like i said, i like it to be a little verbose so i can see what it's doing.

    $ExclusionTester = $Programvar | % `
        Write-Host "Testing Exclusions: $Exclusions"
        Write-Host "$programvar"
        $ExclusionsExtracted=@() #<--- Blank array
        $Program=$_; $Exclusions | % `

                if ($Program -like $_) #<---- $_ Current exclusion
                        $ExclusionsExtracted +=$Program #<---- Adding exclusion to array
                        write-host "A substring in $Program Matches $_" -ForegroundColor green
                        Write-Host "Removing $Program from ProgramVar array" -ForegroundColor Cyan

                    #Uncomment the below line to possibly rebun?
                        Write-Host "No Substring in $t Matches $_" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    } #>
        $ExclusionsExtracted #<---- End result after testing.
        $programvar = $programvar | where {$ExclusionsExtracted -notcontains $_}

Thanks again


  • According to the fact that $a contains the strings and $e contains the exclusions :

    $a = "Microsoft VisualStudio JavaScript Project System","Java 7 Update 80","Java 8 Update 111","Microsoft VisualStudio JavaScript Language Service","Java Auto Updater"
    $e = "*Microsoft Corporation*","*Microsoft*","*SAP BusinessObjects*","*Hewlett-Packard*","*JavaCard*","*Development*"

    This one liner gives the strings to exclude :

    $a | % {$r=@()}{$t=$_; $e | % {if ($t -like $_){$r+=$t}}}{$r}

    $r : a tab of string to exclude (the return value).

    $t : a temp var conttaining currentstring to evaluate.

    At the end you can get a new tab :

    $tabres = $a | where {$r -notcontains $_}