Is it possible to produce compilers that heuristically check for malware behaviour? If it is possible why has not it been implemented? Wouldn't that strongly help preventing the production of such viruses, I mean why wait to stop them once they are out there?
Even if these people use a compiler that does not use the "proposed" built in AV, personal AV could detect that and grade the file as risky (sort of like SSL Certificates)
You're making a lot of assumptions:
Seems to me like it's a non-starter.
Your comment about using non-AV compilers is essentially "code signing", and has been a common practice for years (decades?). The barrier there, however, is distribution of certificates, and coming up with a reasonable list of trusted signers. They're big enough problems that noone's found a way to solve them yet without severely limiting the usefulness of computers.
For even more information closely related to this subject, see this paper by Ken Thompson.