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Subversion Merge: Unchanged file showing as changed

I do my development in a development branch and then merge into trunk before creating a tag for release. I've been finding that one file continually shows up as changed when committing after the merge. It has not changed. I am posting this in hope that someone else has experienced the issue and knows what is going on.

Additional Info:

  • It's a php file, extending the Zend_Db_Table
  • It does not show as an incoming change when merging
  • The commit dialog lists the file, double-clicking the file to diff shows two different dialogs:
    • svn:mergeinfo
      1. development branch, showing two version ranges and several other version numbers (comma-separated)
      2. trunk, a single version range
    • file diff, with no differences
  • The commit status dialog lists the file as modified, but doesn't list it as a "Sending content" item


  • It's the svn:mergeinfo property which is being updated. See this other question.

    To summarize: either ignore it and just commit, or delete the svn:mergeinfo property on that one file. And follow the merging advice in the SVN book so that you confine such properties to the root of your project tree as much as possible.

    update: This appears to be fixed in SVN 1.7. From the release notes: reduced subtree mergeinfo changes.