I have a remote control pen as cursor (hardware).
External hardware via SDK to Javascript i receive a cursor. Where i get x, x, y, y position and click command.
But, How to submit click on that position? (no matter whatever Element is there on that position, i need to submit the click on that position)
if (_label == rs.cursor.GestureType.CURSOR_CLICK) {
// I have: x, x, y, y
Following method works:
but i have too many buttons, how to apply dynamic click without tracking which element?
var myButton = document.getElementById("mediaplayer");
var rect = myButton.getBoundingClientRect();
if (x >= rect.left &&
x <= rect.right &&
y >= rect.top &&
y <= rect.bottom){
// 1 - Find Active DIV/MAP/Container?
var layerID = $('#layoutmain').attr('usemap');
if (_label == rs.cursor.GestureType.CURSOR_CLICK) {
// 2 - Loop each buttons of that container
$('#' + layerID).find('area').each(function(){
var onclick_function = $(this).attr('onclick') ;
var coords = $(this).attr('coords');
coords = coords.split(' ').join('');
var coords_array = coords.split(',');
console.log('>>> we have: ',
onclick_function ,
var rectleft = coords_array[0];
var recttop = coords_array[1];
var rectright = coords_array[2];
var rectbottom = coords_array[3];
// 3 - Match the RANGE of buttons with the coordinates
if (x >= rectleft && y >= recttop &&
x <= rectright && y <= rectbottom){
Method 1: When the CURSOR_CLICK event is triggered, iterate all the clickable buttons and check to which button the click is "related" to.
$buttons = $('.clickable-button');
var rect;
if (_label == rs.cursor.GestureType.CURSOR_CLICK) {
rect = $(this).getBoundingClientRect();
if (x >= rect.left &&
x <= rect.right &&
y >= rect.top &&
y <= rect.bottom){
Method 2: Create an array with all the buttons on the page and their cords. When the click event is being triggered, just compare the cords. Advantage - Less time is being spent in the loop.