I have a model with tasks, and i wantto get data filtered by status and show result in different lists.
so i have a construction with does't work as i want.
tasks: Ember.computed(function(){
var modelTasks = this.get('store').findAll('task');
return {
todo: modelTasks.filterBy('status', 'todo'),
inProgress: modelTasks.filterBy('status', 'inprogress'),
done: modelTasks.filterBy('status', 'done')
I'm new, so please be tolerant.
Why do you need tasks
computed property?.
returns Promise so your code is not correct.
Async computed properties little tricky - read this ignite article for more info.
I would say, data fetching should happen at the route level, so corresponding route js file model
hook you can write,
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return this.get('store').findAll('task').then((result) => {
return {
todo: result.filterBy('status', 'todo'),
inProgress: result.filterBy('status', 'inprogress'),
done: result.filterBy('status', 'done')
inside corresponding hbs file, you can access it like model.todo