I want to call LogOut action method whose View i have not created as the session times out.
I have written a script for session time out but i dont know how to call action method because all the methods i have got like window.location
etc locates the view.
//session end
var sessionTimeoutWarning = @Session.Timeout;
var sTimeout = parseInt(sessionTimeoutWarning) * 60 * 1000-55000;
setTimeout('SessionEnd()', sTimeout);
/* Here I want To call that AgentLogOut Method*/
function SessionEnd() {
alert("Session Is Going To End in 1 min Please Login Again1");
window.location = "/Agent/AgentLogIn";
And this the Target Controller Action to which I want to call
public ActionResult AgentLogOut()
string SessionId = Session["LogInSession"].ToString();
string OType = "LogOut";
ProcedureName = "SP_Crud";
XElement xl = new XElement("data",
new XAttribute("otype", OType),
new XElement("sessionId", SessionId),
new XElement("agentIp", AgentIp)
objDal.ExecuteNonQuery(ProcedureName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, new MySqlParameter("@xml", xl.ToString()));
return RedirectToAction("AgentLogIn","Agent");
I have tried all ways which i knew.Suggest me how to hit only the action method.
then you can make a ajax request like :
function SessionEnd()
type: "post",
url: "/Agent/AgentLogIn",
//do some stuff like login page redirection
//do some stuff like login page redirection