What is the nicest way to iterate over Scala Seq/List (or other similar collection for that matter) of objects and set the value of a specific object field in case they are null?
For example, a case class:
case class AmazingData(age: Int, name: String)
val ad1 = AmazingData(12, "bar")
val ad2 = AmazingData(12, "foo")
val ad3 = AmazingData(12, null)
val alotOfAmazingData: Seq[AmazingData] = Seq(ad1, ad2, ad3)
Now I want to iterate over alotOfAmazingData
and set the name value for the ones that have null.
If you'd like to keep the complete collection in tact, you can only use a map
and contain the predicate inside:
val allWithNonNull =
.map(amazing => if (amazing.name == null) amazing.copy(name = "Some Name") else amazing)
If you only care about the null names, you can filter out instances that have the name field set and leave only those with null
, and then map
over then and set them via copy
val nonNullNames =
alotOfAmazingData.withFilter(_.name != null)
.map(_.copy(name = "Some Name"))
Or using collect
val nonNullNames =
.collect {
case amazingData if amazingData.name == null =>
amazingData.copy(name = "Some Name")
Although I would encourage you to not use null
at all, and use Option[String]
instead, making your case class look like this:
case class AmazingData(age: Int, name: Option[String])
And when you want to work with the optional name
field, you can use map
and the likes.