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Tkinter Toplevel() positioning without static geometry

Im using Toplevel() for popup windows and I want the popup to be displayed to the right of the mouse when it comes up. I found how to do this but only by specifying the geometry of the window. How can I control where the window comes up without specifying the size. I want the window to be the size it needs to be for whatever data is is going to display.

This is what im using right now:

helpwindow = Toplevel()
helpwindow.geometry("662x390+{0}+{1}".format(event.x_root - 1, event.y_root - 12))

How can I put only the format settings in the window geometry? Or is their a better way?


  • Use "+{}+{}" without size

    helpwindow.geometry("+{}+{}".format(event.x_root - 1, event.y_root - 12))

    ie. moving window :)

    import tkinter as tk
    def move():
        global pos_x
        pos_x += 10
        root.after(100, move)
    root = tk.Tk()
    pos_x = 0    
    helpwindow = tk.Toplevel()