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How do I send an Object along with an attached File in a Multipart superagent request?

I am trying to make a multipart POST request to my API using superagent.

My Code:

  .post(apiUrl + '/api/company/profile/edit')
  .field("profileData", profileData)
  .attach('company_logo', logoFile )
  .set('Accept', 'application/json')
  .end(function(err, res){
      dispatch(updateProfileStatusAction("error", res));
    } else {
      dispatch(updateProfileStatusAction("success", res));

The problem I am having is that profileData is an object that is nested. When I get the request in the API I see the value of profileData as the string [Object, Object]

When I look at the documentation for multipart request with superagent it appears like the .field() is meant to be just a key, value pair rather then an object. I then tried to use .send({profileData: profileData}) instead of field, but when I do that I get an error saying that .attach and .send can not be used together in the same request.


  • I think it should be enough to use JSON.stringify() to convert the JS_Object to a JSON string.

     .post(apiUrl + '/api/company/profile/edit')
     .field("profileData", JSON.stringify(profileData))
     .attach('company_logo', logoFile )