I have some SVG icons that I place in the middle of a svg circle in my web page. I use the same javascript function with Snap for all images but only one is not centered properly...
I tried to put directly the svg in the html to test it (see http://jsfiddle.net/aop5znab/) but as you can notice, the ball is placed correctly, but not the man, which should be on the top left too (like, below the ball...).
As far as I know SVG, the position can be changed with the transform
attribut or directly in the path (relativ or absolute path points). My icon hasn't a transform
attribute so I think it can only be the path points that are positioning it differently.
Can anybody tell me if I'm right ?
please)Here is my SVG :
<g style="fill:#808080">
<g fill="#0ea507">
<circle cx="75.042" cy="68.168999" r="4.3889999" fill="#0ea507" d="M 79.431,68.168999 C 79.431,70.592976 77.465978,72.557999 75.042,72.557999 72.618022,72.557999 70.653,70.592976 70.653,68.168999 70.653,65.745021 72.618022,63.779999 75.042,63.779999 77.465978,63.779999 79.431,65.745021 79.431,68.168999 z"/>
<g fill="#0ea507">
<g fill="#0ea507">
<g fill="#0ea507">
points="67.165,87.193 70.991,77.023 74.929,77.023"
fill="#0ea507" />
d="M 67.165,89.22 C 66.928,89.22 66.687,89.178 66.451,89.089 65.404,88.695 64.875,87.527 65.269,86.48 L 69.096,76.31 C 69.393,75.521 70.148,74.998 70.992,74.998 H 74.93 C 76.049,74.998 76.956,75.905 76.956,77.024 76.956,78.143 76.049,79.049 74.93,79.049 H 72.393 L 69.06,87.907 C 68.755,88.719 67.984,89.22 67.165,89.22 z"
fill="#0ea507" />
points="82.92,87.193 79.094,77.023 75.155,77.023"
fill="#0ea507" />
d="M 82.92,89.22 C 82.101,89.22 81.329,88.719 81.024,87.907 L 77.691,79.049 H 75.154 C 74.035,79.049 73.129,78.142 73.129,77.024 73.129,75.905 74.036,74.998 75.154,74.998 H 79.093 C 79.936,74.998 80.692,75.521 80.989,76.31 L 84.815,86.48 C 85.209,87.527 84.68,88.695 83.633,89.089 83.399,89.177 83.158,89.22 82.92,89.22 z"
fill="#0ea507" />
d="M 75.042,75.006 C 75.042,75.006 80.782,74.556 80.219,80.183 79.656,85.81 77.63,103.365 76.617,103.478 75.604,103.591 75.942,103.703 75.042,103.703 74.142,103.703 74.479,103.591 73.467,103.478 72.454,103.365 70.428,85.809 69.865,80.183 69.302,74.557 75.042,75.006 75.042,75.006 z"
fill="#0ea507" />
Note : I tried this but it didn't changed anything...
The best solution I've found is to use inkscape like answered in this thread : Removing transforms in SVG files
Here's a copy/past of the steps proposed in the answer :
Remove transforms in Inkscape
Edit > XML Editor
attributes in layers and delete themHow to move all objects altogether without creating another transform attributes
Object > Ungroup
Edit > Select All in All Layers
Object > Transform
Then In Transform panel
Relative move
and check Apply to each object separately
and Vertical
values according to your needs and click Apply