This is a small piece of my code. Basically, i do not know how to print my ResultSet or turn it into string.
try {
String url = "jdbc:odbc:" + "userstuff";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");
// Gets a statement
Statement state = con.createStatement();
String query = "SELECT description FROM topics WHERE title = '" + title + "'";
String query2 = "SELECT * FROM comment WHERE topic = '" + title + "'";
// selects the description for the selected topic ( title will be referenced to the chosen topic)
ResultSet results = state.executeQuery(query);
// selects * of the rows from "comment" table where the topic equals the selected title.
ResultSet results2 = state.executeQuery(query2);
desc = results.toString();
You can not convert ResultSet to string neither you can print directly from ResultSet.
Following code may help you.
try {
String url = "jdbc:odbc:" + "userstuff";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");
// Gets a statement
Statement state1 = con.createStatement();
Statement state2 = con.createStatement();
String query1 = "SELECT description FROM topics WHERE title = '" + title + "'";
// selects the description for the selected topic ( title will be referenced to the chosen topic)
ResultSet results1 = state1.executeQuery( query1 );
while( ){
System.out.println( results1.getString( "description" );
// selects * of the rows from "comment" table where the topic equals the selected title.
String query2 = "SELECT * FROM comment WHERE topic = '" + title + "'";
ResultSet results2 = state2.executeQuery( query2 );
while( ){
System.out.println( results2.getString( 1 ); // here 1 is tables 1st column
System.out.println( results2.getString( 2 ); // here 2 is tables 2nd column
} Exception( SQL e){