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Gproc: Each process just return its own pid when performing lookup_pids

I tried to regsiter some processes with a famliy name with gproc. For this reason I created a gen_server that contain two function, the first one is to handle registration and the second one is to lookup Pids of registered processes. After that, I opened two erlang consoles and I registered two processes with the same property (each console request the server to register one process) My server code is as follows:

start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [],[]).

init([]) -> gproc:start_link(), {ok, []}.
%% Synchronous call
register(Pid, Name) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {register, Name}).

getpids(Pid, Name) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {getpids, Name}).

handle_call({register, Name}, _From, State) ->
{reply, Name, State};

handle_call({getpids, Name}, _From, State) ->
Pids = gproc:lookup_pids({p,l,Name}),
{reply, Pids, State}.

handle_info(Msg, State) ->
io:format("Unexpected message: pn",[Msg]),
{noreply, State}.

terminate(normal, State) -> 

I registered my processes with


and I lookup the pids with:


But when I tried to get the pids of my family processes (Basically I have to pull a list with 2 pids) I got just one pid (each console just lookup the pid registered by him self and not render the pid registered with the other console).

Thanks for your help. Best Regards.


  • I think that the right way to start the gproc application is to use:


    Next, I guess that when you say that you are opening 2 erlang consoles, you are starting 2 erlang nodes (in linux running erl in 2 consoles). In this case, you need first to connect the 2 nodes in a cluster, for example:

    In console 1

    erl -sname node1

    then you get the erlang shell prompt showing the node name : host_name@node1

    in console 2

    erl -sname node2

    then you get the erlang shell prompt showing the node name : host_name@node2

    still in node 2:

    true = net_kernel:connect_node('host_name@node1').

    Now the 2 erlang nodes are connected, and the application gproc is started, you can register processes.

    I am not sure that it is correct to use the function gproc:reg_or_locate/1 in order to register several processes with the same key, I would have used gproc:reg/1.

    Same thing for the registration context, I would have used global: gproc:reg({p,g,Name})