I need regex that can parse domain names from strings including the domain from email addresses. I found the following regex on StackOverflow:
Which works famously according to the demo provided: https://regex101.com/r/aF1cY0/5
I got the regex from a different question on StackOverflow here:
How to get domain from a string using javascript regular expression
I'd like to change the existing regex to only match specific TLD's (e.g.. com|net|biz)
Since I'm a total newb to regex I'm having trouble figuring out where to put that stipulation.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
function check(){
var str = prompt("URL example: ");
var match = str.match(/(?:[\w-]+\.)+(?:com|net|biz)/i);
alert("Your domain is: '" + match + "'");
alert("Sorry! Nothing matched!");
<button onclick="check()">TRY</button>