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QuillJS won't setContent from api

I am trying to set the contents of my editor from my api call (using an ajax request), however, it won't update the editor. I'm not sure why because when I do

alert(data.content) -- it returns {"ops":[{"insert":"Test 123\n"}]}


quill.setContents({"ops":[{"insert":"Test 123\n"}]}, 'api');

works as expected, however, nothing happens when I do

quill.setContents(data.content, 'api')

Any ideas? Thanks!


  • setContents from APi is working.

    var quill = new Quill('#editor-container', {
      modules: {
        toolbar: [
          [{ header: [1, 2, false] }],
          ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
          ['image', 'code-block']
      placeholder: 'Compose an epic...',
      theme: 'snow'  // or 'bubble'
    var ops = [
      { insert: 'Hello ' },
      { insert: 'World!', attributes: { bold: true } },
      { insert: '\n' }
    quill.setContents(ops, 'api');

    You are probably passing a string instead of an object.

    Try calling JSON.parse(data.content) to convert the string to an object.