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Programmatically add a hyperlink button to outlook 2007

I am adding a toolbar to Outlook.

The toolbar will have one button on it.

This button, when pressed, will open up a web site.

I've created the button & toolbar no problem, but cannot work out how to add the hyperlink?

  Set oTBar = oView.Add("toolbarname")
  oTBar.Position = 1
  oTBar.Visible = true

  Set oButton = OTBar.Controls.Add
  With oButton
      .Caption = "Click here!"
      .Style = 3
      .HyperlinkType = 1
      .FaceId = 1707     
   End with


  • Haha!

    You need to add it as the tooltip:

      .ToolTipText  = "http://your_url"