I have a method in a class, ConsoleHandler
, an instance of which I'm spying on:
setIndexManager( IndexManager im );
I want to say "when you call this method, call it not with the parameter you want to call it with, but instead with such-and-such a parameter" (namely a mock object).
I tried doing this:
doAnswer( new Answer<Void>(){
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
((ConsoleHandler)invocation.getMock()).setIndexManager( newMockIM );
return null;
}}).when( spyCH ).setIndexManager( any( IndexManager.class ));
... unfortunately this caused an infinite loop...
Then I thought: OK, if you can specify in the when
clause that any IndexManager parameter
should trigger this, except for mockIM
, maybe you can stop that infinite recursion:
doAnswer( new Answer<Void>(){
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
((ConsoleHandler)invocation.getMock()).setIndexManager( newMockIM );
return null;
}}).when( spyCH ).setIndexManager( not( newMockIM ));
... but not
doesn't work like that...
Is there any way of doing this? I did quite a close examination of possible similar questions which came up but couldn't find anything.
Sure. Change your stubbing so that it only kicks in if the provided argument is not your mock.
So the last line would be
}}).when(spyCH).setIndexManager(AdditionalMatchers.not( ArgumentMatchers.eq(newMockIM)) );
Then the call within your Answer
won't re-trigger the stubbed call.
I answered before you added the second half of your question, but I believe this is OK. The argument to not
has to be a matcher, but you've provided a value. So all you were missing is the eq