I'm playing around with a side-project in Laravel 5.3. I have different user types (such as Administrator, Student etc), and they're properties on the user model:
$user->account_type; // administrator
Each user type has their own dashboard (and other controllers), and their namespaced:
All my Controllers and views etc are all namespaced based on the account type.
I want every user (Regardless of type) to be able to do go domain.com/dashboard
and be redirected to their account specific controller.
But laravel only recognises the last duplicate uri in the routes file. I read through the Router.php
and RouteCollection.php
files, and it seems to be because the URI is stored as a key in the array, it'll always be overwritten if you try to reuse it.
I've seen another thread with someone who's tried this, and I don't want to have a single controller with IF's within it (like this):
public function index()
if ($request->user()->account_type == 'administrator') {
/** **/
} elseif ... {
The reason I don't want single controllers for reused uri's is because I only reuse some URIs. For example the dashboard. I want things consistant, and I don't want to have to do account checks in each controller method I have to reuse.
I've tried to restrict the loading of routes in the middleware, but I can only throw exceptions in the middleware, I can't say "Ignore this group if the middleware fails".
Hopefully I've explained it well enough, but if further info is needed, please comment and let me know.
My question is:
How can I reuse the same URI for different controllers
When in the routing process is the authenticated user retrieved?
1) Like an option, you can still redirect users in routes file to keep controllers clear:
\Route::get("dashboard", function(){
case 'admin':
return (new \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\DashboardController)->index();
case 'student':
return (new \App\Http\Controllers\Student\DashboardController)->index();
2) I suppose user will be already authenticated when accessing dashboard URL, so you can get it with \Auth::user()