I am trying to read a file and print the records where the jumper has exceeded the distance provided by the user, but the search only returns the first line in the file and that's it, i know there is something wrong in the logic but i cant put my finger on it.
typedef struct {
char fname[30];
char lname[30];
char nationality [30];
double distance;
void print(Player p) {
printf("%s %s %s %f \n", p.fname, p.lname, p.nationality, p.distance);
int search(double distance, Player allPlayers[], int max){
int i=0;
for(i=0; i<max; i++){
if(distance > allPlayers[i].distance){
return i;
return -1;
void load (char filename[10], Player players[]){
char tempfName [30];
char templName [30];
char tempNationality [30];
double tmpdistance;
FILE * input=fopen(filename,"r+");
printf("Error found in opening the file\n");
else {
printf("The data are loaded successfully.\n");
int counter = 0;
strcpy(tempfName," ");
fscanf(input, "%s %s %s %f",tempfName, templName, tempNationality, &tmpdistance);
if(strcmp(tempfName, " ") !=0){
strcpy(players[counter].fname, tempfName);
strcpy(players[counter].lname, templName);
strcpy(players[counter].nationality, tempNationality);
players[counter].distance = tmpdistance;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
Player players2[40];
char myFileName[10] ="jump.txt";
load(myFileName, players2);
double tmpdistance;
printf("Please enter the distance threshold: ");
scanf("%lf", &tmpdistance);
printf("The jumpers exceeded 8.10 m are: \n");
int index = -1;
index = search(tmpdistance,players2,40);
printf("NOT Found! \n");
return 0;
some sample data from the file I'm trying to read :
Arsen Sargsyan Armenia 7.62
Boleslav Skhirtladze Georgia 7.26
Christian Reif Germany 7.92
Christopher Tomlinson Great_Britain 8.06
In your search()
if(distance > allPlayers[i].distance){
return i;
This will return the first jumper whose performance is less than the distance provided.
If you replace it with:
if(allPlayers[i].distance > distance){
return i;
It will return the first jumper whose performance is greater than the distance provided, which is what you want.
to read a file: Why is “while ( !feof (file) )” always wrong?main()
to -1 as you assign it in the next linemyFileName
as the compiler can work it out