I am trying to figure out how to use two different textures on the front and back of a box. Whenever I scale my box (ExtrudeGeometry), the UV maps do not seem to update. Therefore I am defining my own UV maps for the front and back of the box.
To define the front UV map I use:
which works accordingly.
For the back UV map I use:
However I am not able to access this 'second' layer UV map.
So my question is:
I created an example here: jsfiddle.
I created three different boxes, with 3 different scales. From left to right: 0.01 x 2.97 x 2.1, 0.01 x 1 x 1 and 0.01 x 0.297 x 0.21. On the most left box, the textures are only covering a small portion of the box. The middle box has correct texturing. The right box has the updated uv map (otherwise only a small portion of the texture would show up).
(I am required to use the small scale on the box!)
I hope someone can help me out!
Three.js 84
You can define attribute vec2 uv2
in your vertex shader, and then access it as normal.
precision highp int;
precision highp float;
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
attribute vec2 uv;
attribute vec2 uv2;
attribute vec3 normal;
attribute vec3 position;
void main() {
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);