I am not so into SVN and I have the following doubt.
In my repository I have the following strucutre:
As you can see I have 2 branches: features and rleases.
Into the releases branch there are 2 "folder" (or maybe are branches in turn).
I need to create a new "folder" into the releases branch named 4.0.0-beta-fix.
So I select the releases branch, right click with the mouse an select the New voice.
But now the SVN Eclipse plugin give me 2 different possible options:
So what have I to chose to replicate the releases inner structure and create a new container that have to contains a new version of my sofware?
What is the difference between create a branch and a folder in this specific case?
Branch creates a copy of some other folder. This is what you want to do when creating a new release: you create a copy of a folder in a specific revision.
Creating a folder would just create a new empty folder in the repository.