So i have been working on a custom pivot app to add onto rally and have ran into an issue with adding drill down functionality where a rally grid is loaded below the pivot table with the records that fill the pivot. The issue i am having is on first click the store is created, however the load:function which is supposed to call the _newGrid function never gets called. I don't receive any errors, the load:function is simply never called. Console log on first click shows:
["F22826"] App.js?_dc=0.7585907679242929:241
Create Store
Console log on second click shows:
Store Exists
Data constructor {config: Object,
fetch: Array[5], autoload: true, filters: constructor, listeners: null…} [constructor, constructor] true
create grid
Hoping someone can help me understand what i am missing
_getFilter: function (data, i) {
return {
property: 'FormattedID',
operator: '=',
value: data[i]
//return filter;
//Creates the filter based on formatted ID to drill down
_createDrillMatrix: function (clickData) {
var filter = [];
for (var i = 0; i < clickData.length; i++) {
filter.push([this._getFilter(clickData, i)]);
var finalFilter = JSON.stringify(filter);
finalFilter = finalFilter.replace(/\[/g, '{');
finalFilter = finalFilter.replace(/\]/g, '}');
finalFilter = finalFilter.replace(/^{/, '[');
finalFilter = finalFilter.replace(/}$/, ']');
finalFilter = finalFilter.replace(/{{/g, '{');
finalFilter = finalFilter.replace(/}}/g, '}');
finalFilter = JSON.parse(finalFilter);
finalFilter =;
var model= 'PortfolioItem/Feature';
this._createStore(finalFilter, model);
_createStore: function(filter, model){
if (this.filteredStore) {
console.log('Store Exists');
} else {
console.log('Create Store');
this.filteredStore = Ext.create('', {
model: model,
fetch: ['FormattedID', 'Name', 'Owner', 'State', 'Release'],
autoload: true,
filters: filter,
listeners: {
load: function (myStore, myData, success) {
console.log('Data', myStore, myData, success);
if (!this.defectGrid) {
console.log('create grid');
scope: this
//adds grid to display drill down
_newGrid: function (filteredStore) {
this.defectGrid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid', {
store: filteredStore,
columnCfgs: ['FormattedID', 'Name', 'Owner', 'State', 'Release'],
limit: Infinity,
enableEditing: false,
Overall it looks pretty good. Are you getting any console errors? What about errors in your network requests?
I might suggest one small change in your store config: filters should be an array.
filters: [filter]