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Kaa - Your First Application Tutorial - Where is the Application Directory?

I am following this tutorial.

At the Preparation step, under C++ it says:

  1. In the application directory, create a CMakeLists.txt file with the following contents:
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
 project(Cpp-SDK-your-first-Kaa-application CXX)

 add_executable(kaa-app main.cpp)
 target_link_libraries(kaa-app kaacpp)

Where is the Application Directory?

I have tried putting it in the main directory (which overwrites the CMakeLists.txt file that is already there, and that doesn't work. (It gives error messages)

I have tried putting it in the kaa directory, which works, but it does not create the kaa-app executable as it should.

So I don't understand what it means by Application Directory, or even if that is the issue at all.

Also, does main.cpp go in the same place or elsewhere?


  • Application directory is root directory of your application (all files, directories should be placed there).
    Here is example of directory structure:
    -my_application_folder/ this is an Application directory.
    |--main.cpp source code of your application.
    |--kaa/ directory with kaa SDK.
    |--CMakeLists.txt build file that should be placed in directory my_application_folder/(with content you showed in question).
    |--build/ folder where cmake should be executed.