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kendo grid foreign column selected text being overrriden by client template

I have a kendo grid on MVC proeject with a foreignKey column with a client template on the same column to send the data to the controller (hidden) as I have a header information just above the kendo grid that i want to send to the controller. Everything works fine. But when I select the dropdown in the grid it displays the value rather than the text.

columns.ForeignKey(c => c.studentId, (System.Collections.IEnumerable)ViewData["Students"], "Id", "name")
    .Title("id - name")
    .ClientTemplate("#= studentId #" + "<'input type='hidden'  name='MyModel[#= index(data)#].StudentId' value='#= StudentId #' />");

The above is the exact code I currently have.

How can I show the user the selected text (name in this case) rather than the value(Id in this case) on the kendo grid.



  • just had the same problem and found this on the telerik site:

    Basically create a function that looks up the text from Foreign Key Drop Down in the grid.

     columns.ForeignKey(c => c.G_ID, plus, "Value", "Text").Title("Plu").Lockable(true).ClientFooterTemplate("Total").ClientTemplate("#= getTextByValue(data)#" +
            "<input type='hidden' name='Schedules[#= index(data)#].G_ID' value='#= G_ID #' />"); //.Hidden();

    and the javascript:

    var collection;

    And the function:

    function getTextByValue(data) {
        var dGrid = $("#the-dtl-grid").data("kendoGrid");
        //change the index of the column with your index
        valuesCollection = dGrid.options.columns[1].values;
        //if the collection is empty - get it from the grid
        if (!collection) {
            collection = {};
            //Set the correct FKColumn index
            for (var value in valuesCollection) {
                collection[valuesCollection[value].value] = valuesCollection[value].text;
        return collection[data.G_ID];