I have a kendo grid on MVC proeject with a foreignKey column with a client template on the same column to send the data to the controller (hidden) as I have a header information just above the kendo grid that i want to send to the controller. Everything works fine. But when I select the dropdown in the grid it displays the value rather than the text.
columns.ForeignKey(c => c.studentId, (System.Collections.IEnumerable)ViewData["Students"], "Id", "name")
.Title("id - name")
.ClientTemplate("#= studentId #" + "<'input type='hidden' name='MyModel[#= index(data)#].StudentId' value='#= StudentId #' />");
The above is the exact code I currently have.
How can I show the user the selected text (name in this case) rather than the value(Id in this case) on the kendo grid.
just had the same problem and found this on the telerik site:
Basically create a function that looks up the text from Foreign Key Drop Down in the grid.
columns.ForeignKey(c => c.G_ID, plus, "Value", "Text").Title("Plu").Lockable(true).ClientFooterTemplate("Total").ClientTemplate("#= getTextByValue(data)#" +
"<input type='hidden' name='Schedules[#= index(data)#].G_ID' value='#= G_ID #' />"); //.Hidden();
and the javascript:
var collection;
And the function:
function getTextByValue(data) {
var dGrid = $("#the-dtl-grid").data("kendoGrid");
//change the index of the column with your index
valuesCollection = dGrid.options.columns[1].values;
//if the collection is empty - get it from the grid
if (!collection) {
collection = {};
//Set the correct FKColumn index
for (var value in valuesCollection) {
collection[valuesCollection[value].value] = valuesCollection[value].text;
return collection[data.G_ID];