I am writing an HTTP record-playback proxy which internally uses WireMock, and am having a problem with recording HTTPS targets. HTTP sites work fine.
Here is how I set up the WireMock proxy for an unencrypted site:
java \
-jar /var/proximate/wiremock-standalone-2.4.1.jar \
--port 9000 \
--proxy-all http://ilovephp.jondh.me.uk \
--record-mappings \
--root-dir /remote/experiment/record/http
I then can record anything on that site using this command:
wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=proximate-proxy:9000 \
In short order I will get some automatically created mappings:
/ # ls -R /remote/experiment/record/http
__files mappings
Here is much the same thing, but on an SSL site. Proxy first:
java \
-jar /var/proximate/wiremock-standalone-2.4.1.jar \
--port 9000 \
--proxy-all https://www.rottentomatoes.com/ \
--record-mappings \
--root-dir /remote/experiment/record/https \
And here is the fetch:
wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=proximate-proxy:9000 \
The result from WireMock is that the internal cache directories are created, but they do not contain anything:
/ # ls -R /remote/experiment/record/https
__files mappings
I am using WM 2.4.1 on Alpine 3.4 in a Docker container. Do I need to use some of the https
-specific command line switches to get this to work?
I was temporarily heartened to see that recent release 2.5.0 had a recent merge of https-bind-address-bug
, which sounded very relevant. I have tried with this release, but unfortunately it makes no difference.
This is partly solved - my main error was that the proxy address for HTTPS connections is set separately, for both WireMock and the client. I am now using:
java \
-jar /var/proximate/wiremock-standalone-2.4.1.jar \
--port 9000 \
--https-port 9050 \
--proxy-all https://www.rottentomatoes.com/ \
--record-mappings \
--root-dir /remote/experiment/record/https \
--verbose \
I've added --print-all-network-traffic
so I can see if any HTTPS traffic is hitting the proxy at all (it is now).
Here is the new client command, complete with new proxy directive:
wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=proximate-proxy:9000 \
-e https_proxy=proximate-proxy:9050 \
--verbose \
--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0" \
However, now the proxy is actually being used, it looks like the operation is not completing successfully. I've tried other encrypted sites and received the same vague errors:
Resolving proximate-proxy...
Connecting to proximate-proxy||:9050... connected.
Failed reading proxy response: No error information
--2017-01-26 09:20:18-- (try: 2) https://www.rottentomatoes.com/
Connecting to proximate-proxy||:9050... connected.
Failed reading proxy response: No error information
--2017-01-26 09:20:20-- (try: 3) https://www.rottentomatoes.com/
Connecting to proximate-proxy||:9050... connected.
Failed reading proxy response: No error information
I have replaced the user agent in case there is some third-party rejection based on the standard "wget" string, but this does not seem to affect things either.
I will ask a new question about this, to narrow down whether this is a WireMock or a Wget problem.