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Difference in deploying Java web application and web service on Azure Tomcat

I am having a trouble with deploying on Azure's Tomcat servlet container. I connect to created web-app space with FTP copying the war file to the correct folder.


I have successfully deployed a Spring MVC simple web application on Azure. The URL pattern is below and the both work as expected:

  • Deployed on Azure Tomcat
  • http://localhost:8080/myWebApp Deployed on local Tomcat

The key file is web.xml below:

<web-app ... xsd schemas ... >




    <context-param>... not important ...</context-param> 
    <listener>... not important ...</listener>


Well, the problem comes when I want to deploy a simple web service the same way and see its content.

I have decided to use jersey library. Here is the only sample class:

public class Sample {
    public String Method() {
        return "<tag>" + 123 + "</tag>";  

After clean install and running on local Tomcat server on URL http://localhost:8080/myWebService/Sample, it correctly gives me the XML <tag>123</tag>".

I hopefully deployed on Azure the same way like the previous myWebApp and tried to run on the URL It gaves me the 404 error instead, saying that the requested resource is not available.

Here is the web.xml for sure:

<web-app ... xsd schemas ... >
        <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>

What am I missing and I do wrong? I have noticed the difference between both web.xml files in url-pattern that:

  • myWebApp uses /
  • myWebService uses /*

When I use <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> on myWebService, then it either doesn't work on localhost. Thanks for help. Feel free to ask for more info if needed (wanted to make the question as short as possible).


  • According to your description & codes, I tried to reproduce your issue of the myWebService successfully. The issue 404 of accessing of myWebService was caused by the url-pattern not match the Method url of class Sample, please see the explainations below.

    1. In the class Sample, the class annotation @Path("Sample") and the method annotation @Path("/") for method Method means that the accessable url for the method Method of the class Sample in myWebService project is
    2. The url-pattern value / means only match the url

    There are two solutions for your case.

    1. Recommended. Using the wildcard /* instead of / for url-pattern and access the url And suggestion that change the class annotation @Path("Sample") to @Path("/Sample") for reading and understanding.

    2. Only change the class annotation @Path("Sample") to @Path("") or @Path("/") if not change url-pattern, but any path annotations for other classes will not be matched.