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jQuery Sum or Multiply values always without event trigger

Hi people i have a dynamic table (add rows from ajax requests) and i need sum and multiply values always (without a trigger event).

i have already a functions that make it with the event (blur) but i don't wanna make it by using the blur trigger.

There is a way for do it?

My code:

$.fn.sumValues = function() {
  var sum = 0;
  this.each(function() {
    if ($(this).is(':input')) {
      var val = $(this).val();
    } else {
      var val = $(this).text();
    sum += parseFloat(('0' + val).replace(/[^0-9-\.]/g, ''), 10);
  return sum;

function totaliza() {
  var total_recep = $('input[name^="costot"]').sumValues();
var counter = 0;
$(document).on('click', '#bt_add', function(e) {
  var tr = '<tr id="art_' + counter + '">';
  tr = tr + '<td><button name="del_art' + counter + '" id="del_art' + counter + '" class="btn btn-default btn-xs del_art" type="button">DEL</button></td>';
  tr = tr + '<td><input name="cbarra' + counter + '" id="cbarra' + counter + '" class="form-control" value="02020202" readonly></td>';
  tr = tr + '<td><input name="art' + counter + '" id="art' + counter + '" class="form-control" value="ARTICULO" readonly></td>';
  tr = tr + '<td><select name="und' + counter + '" id="und' + counter + '" class="form-control list"></select></td>';
  tr = tr + '<td><input name="cal' + counter + '" id="cant' + counter + '" class="form-control numeric cal" value="0"></td>';
  tr = tr + '<td><input name="cal' + counter + '" id="costou' + counter + '" class="form-control numeric cal" value="0"></td>';
  tr = tr + '<td><input name="costot' + counter + '" id="costot' + counter + '" class="form-control cal" readonly value="0"></td>';
  tr = tr + '</tr>';
  $("#inv_recep_det tbody").append(tr);
  $('.form-control').change(function() {
    var number ='cal', '');
    var costot = ($('#cant' + number).val() * $('#costou' + number).val())
    $('input[name^="costot' + number + '"]').val(costot);
  $('.del_art').click(function() {
    var number ='del_art', '');
    $('#art_' + number).remove();

Something like that?


  • Rather than continuing in comments, I thought an answer might be of better use. Currently, you use:


    to trigger the update. Some browsers may force you to lose the focus on an element to actually trigger that. Instead, change that line to:

    $(".form-control").on("input", function(){ ... })

    This has been discussed here: What is the difference between "change" and "input" event for an INPUT element

    Other than that, I've made no changes to your fiddle: