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sails js mongodb populate

I would like to use .populate() with Sails js and MongoDB and so I did something like this:

I am using the latest version of Sails and MongoDB and Node.

My models look like:

// User.js
module.exports = {
  attributes: {
    name: {
      type: 'string'
    pets: {
      collection: 'pet',
      via: 'owner'

// Pet.js
module.exports = {
  attributes: {
    name: {
      type: 'string'

    owner: {
      model: 'user'

And I used the following which is the same as the documentation:

.exec(function(err, users) {
  if(err) return res.serverError(err);

But I get the following output:

    "pets": [],
    "id": "58889ce5959841098d186b5a",
    "firstName": "Foo",
    "lastName": "Bar"


  • If you just need the query for dogs. You could just as easily reverse the query.

    Pet.find() //or what you want with {}
     .exec(err, petsWithUsers)

    But if not:

          .exec(err, users) ...

    This will return all users (User.find()) and only populate pets of type dog (populate('pets', {type: 'dog'})). In the case you'll have users without dogs in your results.

    More information and Reference: here