Can't access my service from the function() I have inside the else condition.. All I get is in the browser terminal is "TypeError: this._hitoService is undefined". I need to get the data using the services when the else condition is executed. How can I go about it?
selector: 'app-time-line',
templateUrl: './time-line.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./time-line.component.css'],
providers: [HitoService],
entryComponents: [FormHitoComponent]
export class TimeLineComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
@Input() calbuscador: String;
nom_cal1: any;
hito1: IHito[];
hito: any;
constructor(private _hitoService: HitoService) { }
ngOnInit() {
if (typeof this.calbuscador === "undefined"){
swal("Atencion!", "Busca un calendario con el buscador del Side Menu", "error")
this.nom_cal1 = this.calbuscador;
title: "Are you sure?",
text: "Se cargara el calendario : " + this.calbuscador,
type: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#DD6B55',
confirmButtonText: 'Yes, I am sure!',
cancelButtonText: "No, cancel it!",
closeOnConfirm: false,
closeOnCancel: false
}, function(isConfirm) {
if (isConfirm) {
title: 'Cargando timeline!',
text: 'Cargando el Calendario en el Timline con sus hitos!',
type: 'success'
}, function() {
.subscribe(hito1 =>{
this.hito1 = hito1
console.log(this.hito1); // defined!
console.log("nomcal1" + this.nom_cal1);
if (typeof this.nom_cal1 === "undefined"){
swal("Atencion!", "Busca un calendario con el buscador del Side Menu")
drawtimeline1_1(this.hito1, this.nom_cal1);
} else {
swal("Cancelled", "No se cargara el Timeline :)", "error");
Lots of examples out there with the same issue. Rule of thumb, never use the function
keyword inside your classes with TypeScript
. This will replace the this
context with that of the current function scope. Always use the () => {}
}, (isConfirm) => {